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    • 2009-09-02

    Disputes pertaining to the formulation of contract contents fall under the scope of debt in Civil Law; breach of contract in household transactions also fall under private right disputes and therefore require judicial resolution. Should you require legal advice, please dial the public service hotline :1999 (For callers outside of Taipei City, please dial 02-27208889) ext. 6168(Mon-Fri: 09:00AM-12:00PM, 14:00-17:00PM)

    • 2009-09-01

    Pursuant to building related laws and regulations, the installation of capping falls under the scope of building construction and you need to commission a qualified architect to apply for a construction license from the Construction Management Office before commencing the project. If you start the project without a legitimate license, it will be deemed as an illegal project and will be subject to demolition.