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  1. Building Permit Section  : Approve and issue the construction license, miscellaneous license, demolition license, and usage change license for construction projects; odd land mediation; cooperation with the structure, fire facility, sanitary, water supply and electricity supply related to approval and issuance of the construction license; and green building renewal diagnostics; the estimation and design of reengineering.
  2. Building Inspection Section  : Construction inspection and management of building projects; operation and management of the disposal sites of residual construction resources; building review; and approval of usage license.
  3. User Permit Section : Inspection of building structure and equipment; demolition of illegal usage and dangerous buildings; inspection of building usage change and interior decoration projects; assessment of seismic bearing capacity of buildings; and planning, design and supervision of arcade improvement works.
  4. Building Standards Section  : Registration, reward and punishment, and management of architects and constructors; registration of constructor building achievements; net value declaration; training, guidance, inspection and management of construction workers; and sampling examination of full-time construction engineers.
  5. Illegal Building Control Section  : Management of the renovation of existing illegal buildings; planning and execution of the demolition of new and old illegal buildings; compensation and demolition of buildings on public construction project sites.
  6. Apartment Buildings Section  : Management of apartment buildings and supervision of apartment building management committees; real-time removal of dangerous signboards; demolition of abandoned signboards (or empty metal supports); signboard management; planning and execution of signboard embellishment and replacement; and removal of illegal signboards.
  7. Illegal Building Inspection Team  : Inspection and determination of illegal buildings; determination and inspection of the renovation of existing illegal buildings.
  8. Information Management Office  : Collection, collation, statistics and utilization of urban planning drawings, overlapping cadastral maps and other building-management-related data; and management of building license files.