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Farglory Group Should Bear Full Responsibilities

Regarding Farglory’s request for clarification of accountability for impact on public safety following the work suspension order of Farglory Taipei Dome by Taipei City Government, Taipei City Construction Management Office states that the Farglory Taipei Dome site is in breach of 79 areas of non-compliance with the authorized construction plan, including changes in floor opening positions, area sizes, positions of floors and stairs and etc. which belong to the primary structure and not interior construction. This is in violation of Article 58 of the Building Act, and hence the Taipei City Department of Urban Development issued a work suspension order on May 20th 2015. Causes of work suspension are attributed to the violations of law by proprietors and contractors. During work suspension, responsibilities of safety management should be accounted for by site management (i.e. Farglory Group and Taiwan Obayashi Corporation) as stipulated in Article 63 of the Building Act and should not pose any doubts.With the incoming typhoon seasons, due to necessities of maintaining public safety, the Taipei City Department of Urban Development has issued a written order on June 17th 2015, ordering Farglory Group to remove the temporary fixture plates atop the Dome structure, secure the external vertical walls of the Dome, dismantle the scaffolding of the Hotel and Office Sections and other safety precautions, and to propose a disassembly plan for the authorization of the Department of Urban Development. As of today, no active measures were observed, showing the negligence for site safety and public safety by Farglory Group. The Taipei City Department of Urban Development has again requested Farglory Group to fulfill their responsibilities.The Taipei City Construction Management Office stresses that public safety will not be compromised and Farglory Group shall be held accountable for full responsibilities of site safety in accordance with Article 63 of the Building Act and propose a safety maintenance plan for the site safety of the Farglory Taipei Dome. The Construction Management Office shall continue to supervise Farglory Group and protect the interests of public safety.