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News Release by Taipei City Construction Management Office

News Release by Taipei City Construction Management OfficeAn illegal structure exists on the 8th floor of a building at Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, North GateThe outside extended structure obstructs the urban appearance, sothe city government decided to pull it down!In view that an outside extended reinforced concrete (RC) structure on the 8th floor of a building at Section 1, Zhongxiao West Road, hanging on the external wall of the building, obstructed the urban appearance and public safety, and impacted the surrounding living environment, Taipei City Government lists it as one of the surrounding overall environment renovation targets at North Gate. Taipei City Construction Management Office started forced demolition from July 12, 2017. As the demolition work is arduous, it is expected that the demolition period will take a total of 20 days and be completed by July 31. The current situation is that the metal catwalk on the 8th floor facing Yanping South Road and Zhongxiao West Road has been demolished. In order that the demolition work can be completed on schedule, the setup of scaffolds and the demolition work will be carried out at the same time. When the scaffolds are set up in sequence, the outside extended RC structure will be demolished simultaneously.  The Construction Management Office expresses that because the demolition target lies in a high floor, it is an outside extended RC structure hanging in the air; thus the scaffolds need to be set up for demolition. To safeguard the pedestrian safety and engineering safety in the demolition operation, the right of way has been applied for during the demolition work. Besides, the setting up of scaffolds may cause concern over public security, so the Police Department has been asked to strengthen the night patrol, and the contractors have been requested to operate in accordance with the regulations for labor safety, and pay attention to the site safety and maintenance of traffic safety. The Construction Management Office will strengthen supervision to safeguard the safety of residents and pedestrians.  The Construction Management Office appeals to pedestrians walking through the surrounding road sections to take special care, with apologies to nearby residents and passers-by for inconvenience caused by the work, and thanks to citizens for cooperation with the city government’s policy on rectifying the urban appearance of the City. It also expects that the citizens can appreciate the intention and efforts of the city government in municipal construction, and that they can give support and affirmation.  Zhou-Min Lin, Director of the Department of Urban Development, said about the arduous demolition work, adding that “In course of time, Taipei citizens will remember this wonderful time!”