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First Day of Public Safety Inspection; 3 Department Stores Fined for NT $120K

Taipei City Construction Management Office Press ReleaseReleased by: Taipei City Construction Management OfficeReleased Date: January 27, 2015Contact Liaison: User Permit Section Chief, Hong De-haoTelephone: 1999 ext.8386 or 0952-826-105First Day of Public Safety Inspection; 3 Department Stores Fined for NT $120KAs Lunar New Year holidays are around the corner, Taipei City Construction Management Office, starting today (Jan. 27) begins to conduct a joint inspection of public safety on major department stores and shops in Taipei, estimated to sample 34 department stores and shops before the New Year begins. Today 4 inspection subjects of department stores are Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store Branch III in Nanjing West Road, Carrefour Guilin Branch, Guang Hua Computer Market and Pacific Sogo Department Store’s Fuxing Store. With the exception of Guang Hua Computer Market that was closed for business for the day, the rest three department stores were unqualified.Wen-Ting Gao, Director of Construction Management Office, said the 3rd and 4th emergency exits in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store Branch III in Nanjing West Road are all blocked. Carrefour Guilin Branch’s 3rd floor fireproof roll-up door does not function properly and escalator fireproof roll-up door on 7th floor in Pacific Sogo Department Store’s Fuxing Store is malfunctioning. All these faults are classified as serious deficiencies and stores have been fined NT $120,000 yuan heavy penalties in accordance with Construction law. Unqualified or not to be inspected stores will be reviewed again by Taipei City Construction Management Office this week. If found unqualified again, store owners will be punished again second time in the row and even suspended of water and electricity supply when necessary. Gao pointed out higher security measure of public safety is enforced on self-management for major department stores because they contain spaces where large crowds are. Taipei Construction Management Office not only implements various public safety applications management, but also hold occasional “sampling” of security inspection to maintain public safety of consumer sites. Guo stressed that the purpose of implementing this joint public safety inspection on department store is to remind businesses to pay attention to public safety within their businesses premises on an average day. We appeal businesses not to pile up any debris in security staircases, beneath fireproof roll-up door, smoke room or walkways, so it will not hinder escape path and endanger the public. If general public has found any irregularity, please feel free to call: 1999 to notify the city service hotline. We have designated staffs standing by.For photos of public safety violation, please visit Taipei Construction Management Office website/Multimedia/Photo Gallery (in Chinese)http://www.dba.tcg.gov.tw/lp.asp?ctNode=32420&CtUnit=17549&BaseDSD=7&mp=118021