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Another big gift to Shezidao Residents from Taipei City Mayor Ko on his first-year inaugural anniversary: Bending the rule for water and electricity connections

In his participation in Shezidao’s Homestay water-carrying activity on November 28th, Taipei City Mayor Ko came to realize that, due to the complexity of land ownership, some of the residential buildings in Shezidao are still not allowed to apply for building numbers as failure in obtaining the consent of access to the majority of lands, resulting in residents’ ineligibility to apply for water and electricity connections. Mayor Ko considered it unreasonable so he immediately instructed the Shezidao Project Office to gather the related units, such as Department of Civil Affairs of Taipei City Government, Taipei Water Department and Taipei City Construction Management Office (CMO), to come up with coping measures. The measures allow the residents who are ineligible to apply for building numbers to provide their resident data and the affidavit to guarantee that there is no dispute over the residence or land use, to apply for approval of water and electricity connections. In so doing, residents’ dire demand for water and electricity can thus be pragmatically resolved. The CMO immediately amended the “Guidelines for Handling Water and Electricity Connection at the Shezidao Region of Taipei City”. So far, some of the content and administrative procedures have already been amended, and the amendment will take effect as of Jan. 18, 2016, Then applications will be accepted and processed. According to the CMO, the amended guidelines relaxed the law by making available the application to the buildings with residential function lacking the plate numbers before Dec. 31, 2004, for which the eligible applicants may provide their resident data and the affidavit to guarantee that there is no dispute over the residence or land use, to apply for approval of water and electricity connections. In addition, the amendment also reviewed the buildings which simultaneously serve as residences, factories or shops, in which the residence area has been relaxed to 13 square meters from the original 30 square meters. To take residential safety into account, the partition with a factory or shop shall have the separating wall with more than one hour of fire resistance as prescribed by Article 86 of the Building Design and Construction Part of the Building Technical Regulations. Shezidao residents may inquire by calling 1999 ext. 8426 during office hours in Taipei City. The CMO has a dedicated staff to provide services. Consultation service is also available at Kun-Tian-Ting on Monday and Thursday afternoons. The blank forms of application for water and electricity connection are available on request at the Fuan Village and Fuzhou Village Offices.