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Improvements of 421 “illegally constructed commercial kitchens” have been completed

As illegally constructed commercial kitchens endanger public safety, Taipei City Construction Management Office, with the aim to ensure the living safety of citizens, has since August 1st, 2015, sent notifications to owners of these kitchens to remove appliances such as gas stoves and ovens, and make improvements before the deadline. Upon the Office’s inspection, all the owners of these cases have hired workers themselves and completed the improvements before October 12th. Director of the Office, Chen Huang-Chen, said that to ensure public safety of the living environment, the project to handle these illegally constructed kitchens has been set as the City’s top priority in the second half of 2015. Owners of these kitchens are to make improvements before September 30th. However, due to the effect of Typhoon Dujuan during this period, the Office has agreed to extend the improvement deadline to October 11th. The improvements to all 421 cases have since been completed by the owners. Director Chen also said that as for these 421 completed cases, the Office will continue to carry out inspections periodically in the next three months. If they are again being used as commercial kitchens, the Office will hire workers to enforce their demolishment in the first instance in order to ensure public safety.