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For the reasons of living quality and safety, please do not build additional constructions without government permission

Unauthorized additional constructions or illegal buildings, metal gratings or metal shacks or unwanted items are found in almost every fire lane in Taipei City. In the absence of emergencies, it may be “safe” living in such an environment. When a fire breaks out, people begin to grow concerned about this matter. However, when the crisis is over, they will forget everything and continue their “peaceful co-existence” with illegal buildings. The public often believes that as long as mishaps of such kind do not happen to them, illegal buildings can be tolerated and even neglected. People usually are unaware of the need of public safety.Furthermore, the illegal building culture is part of daily life in Taipei because Taipei is a densely populated city with soaring real estate prices. As illegal buildings are practical hindrances to modernization and internationalization, it is necessary for Taipei citizens to confront this unhealthy heritage in the interest of transforming-Taiwan into a first-class metropolis and maintain safety. Let us clean up the fire lanes in our neighborhood and never build illegal constructions in order to give Taipei City a better future.