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Sewer Connection Information

(1) In order to turn Taipei City into a waterfront landscape city and re-open the waterfront for citizens, it is necessary to eliminate sources of pollution. Therefore, to reduce household waste water pollution by accelerating sewer connection has become the prime target at the moment. Before the Sewerage Systems Office (SSO) initiate the sewer connection work, Construction Management Office (CMO) has been working in close cooperation with SSO to demolish illegal buildings in fire lanes.(2) Over the past 3 years, the number of households with sewer connection has increased to over 100,000 households, about 3,000 households have voluntarily demolished their illegal buildings in fire lanes and about 300 households were forced to demolish their illegal buildings in fire lanes. The case closing rate is 100%.(3) Joint Operations between BAO and SSO:  2007(households)2008(households)2009(households)Joint inspection13,49313,81320,387Sewer Connection31,55341,18233,516Voluntary demolition2,2982,3563,469Reported cases304315348Closed cases304315348Case closing rate100%100%100%